
Sarah, 36-going-on-oh-god-so-weary, Chicagoan for 13 years and counting. Mom to two large and incredibly dumb cats. Former music blogger. Former book blogger. Current semi-pro hockey journalist and photographer. Current independent radio DJ. Current Human Resources professional, though, god, the last thing I want to talk about here is my day job.


Curious. Vaguely witty. Interested in learning about new music, interesting articles, cool events. Maybe would like to see some shoes I am coveting but refuse to buy under the guise of “fiscal responsibility”. See some photos from my literal four-year backlog of photos I need to edit and post somewhere. Interested in thoughts too long for Twitter. Tolerant of dumb cat stories.

Why (pay to) subscribe?

Extra content. Extra feelings. Exclusive cat photos? Perhaps some advice or opinions regarding your pressing questions (whether or not that advice is good remains to be seen). Maybe I’ll draw you a picture. To the extent that people choose to pay to subscribe, I’d like to let a conversation between us help guide the sort of content you get.

What does it cost?

Mostly, it’s free! If you choose to subscribe for extra bonus content, it’s $5/month or $30/year, the lowest amount that Substack will allow me to charge.

Subscribe to Sarah Writes Stuff

Music, book, and other media recommendations; strange things across the internet; cats.